How to Contact Gloomykassie: Phone number, Texting, Email Id, Fanmail Address and Contact Details

Gloomykassie Mobile Number, Phone Number, Email ID, House Residence Address, Contact Number Information, Biography, Whatsapp, and More possible original information are provided by us here.

Gloom is a social media celebrity from Canada who gained her most notoriety for uploading various films to a pretty successful channel on YouTube. She is one of the most popular and successful Canadian YouTubers, as shown by her millions of fans on YouTube. Gloom is well-known on YouTube and other major social media sites such as TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter. His popularity has spread well beyond YouTube.

Gloom has been successful in establishing herself as a prominent social media influencer while encountering various challenges in her personal life. She has also established herself as an entrepreneur over the course of the years by capitalizing on her fame on social media. On sites such as TeeChip and Redbubble, she offers the products that she has designed herself. Kassima Isabelle was born on December 19, 1990, in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. Her ancestry includes elements of Chinese, British, Malaysian, and Italian cultures.

She has a younger sister and an older brother; all three of them were there throughout her upbringing. Her family eventually settled in Singapore, and she was able to spend most of her childhood there. After moving back to Canada, she enrolled in the first grade at the local primary school. Because of Gloom’s race, she was bullied at school. She often missed classes all during her time at her high school to avoid being tormented.

She increased her grades when she was in college, which she started doing after she graduated from high school. Following that, she was extended an offer to enroll in a university. During the first semester of her first year at the university, she struggled with several mental and physical health difficulties, including depression. Her effort to treat her depression with antidepressants did not work, making her feel hopeless and irritated. She even considered ending her life.

She even took a detour from her studies at the university to experiment with uploading movies to YouTube and see how it went.
In 2015, she launched her channel on YouTube and immediately began uploading gaming and commentary videos. After that, she uploaded videos to her channel, including vlogs, sketches, and parodies. Her channel on YouTube rapidly amassed thousands of followers and views quickly, establishing her as a prominent figure on the platform.

Because of her success on YouTube, she gained followers on other social media sites, such as Instagram and Twitter. Gloom is a multitalented person who capitalizes on her reputation by selling items on online marketplaces such as Redbubble and TeeChip.Gloom saw a rise in fame when she uploaded a video to her channel titled “Reacting with Shakira to Her Old Videos,” in which she was joined by the well-known Colombian recording artist Shakira.

After she uploaded the video to YouTube, her channel quickly began to amass many followers and views. Her YouTube channel, which was launched on September 29, 2015, has accumulated over two billion views and more than 6.5 million followers as of the present day. Many of her videos have amassed millions of views apiece, including Fidget Trading Scams, I’m a Substitute Teacher for Dumb Kids, Kids Acting Like Adults, and Oddly Satisfying But it Takes Talent.

Gloom is also well-known on TikTok’s video-sharing platform, where she uploads lip-sync videos and other entertaining content. Her TikTok account has amassed over 20 million likes and more than two million followers since its creation. Her Instagram feed has a following of over 500,000 people, and she shares entertaining video snippets and photographs related to her business and personal life.

Gloom has been diagnosed with severe depression, a disease that became much worse when her sister died by suicide in 2013. She feels comfortable identifying as both pansexual and heterosexual, and she is presently engaged to Teebs Liebersteen, her elder brother’s friend. Gloom’s other favorite pastime is playing with her puppy, Anjing, and she does this in addition to contributing material to social media platforms. You may often see a picture of her dog on her Instagram profile.

Kassima Isabelle, better known by her screen name Gloom, is a popular YouTuber from Canada who creates humorous vlogs and gaming videos. Her first YouTube channel, CloudyApples, which she debuted in 2011, catalyzed her rise to stardom. She took a vacation from blogging for two years, and when she returned to it after that time, she was pretty successful. However, Gloom has not updated the CloudyApples channel in nearly four years, even though it continues to have over half a million members.

In 2015, Kassima launched her gaming and commentary channel named GloomGames. As her audience increased, she rebranded her channel as Gloom and expanded her material to include vlogs, sketches, and the original videos she had uploaded. Like most prominent online players, gloom’s most recent work centers on the mystery game Among Us. Because of Gloom’s elder brother, Gloom met her lover Terry. Terry’s strong connection with Gloom’s brother led to a lot of time spent at the Gloom home by Terry. Gloom’s brother was Terry’s best buddy.

Terry’s easygoing sense of humor was one of the qualities that drew Gloom to him. She said that she took charge of the situation and asked him out in a question and answer session in September of 2016: “It’s something that a lot of men have. It’s almost as if males have an energy that gives off the impression that they are not attempting to impress you but are naturally humorous. They may tell you jokes that aren’t amusing, but they won’t hang around to see whether you laugh at them.

When I first met Terry, he wasn’t attempting to get my attention or make me laugh; he wasn’t even trying to do any of those things. I couldn’t help but feel drawn to him simply because he was acting normally. It was me that extended the date invitation to Terry.
Terry was a consistent source of pleasure and support in Gloom’s life, which significantly contributed to the overall improvement in her life that was brought about by his presence.

After several years together, Terry and Gloom started talking about getting married, but Gloom underlined to Terry that he should wait to pop the question until he was completely ready. Terry said in the video that they used to announce their engagement that he had always intended to pop the question much earlier than 24 but that his precarious financial circumstances prevented him from doing so.
In 2019, Terry began behind-the-scenes work on creating a ring for Gloom.

He reached out to Gloom’s pals for their assistance in designing a one-of-a-kind ring for his long-term partner of ten years. Gloom came perilously close to uncovering the secret operation on many occasions, but Terry could always lead her in the other direction of the smell.
Terry intended to pop the question when the two of them were on vacation in Singapore during the summer. Despite this, the couple decided to go to Cuba, where they had an experience that neither would ever forget.

After some while, Terry hired up an art gallery and ultimately proposed to Gloom by asking for her hand in marriage. At the end of the video in which the pair announced their engagement, Gloom expressed her joy at the couple’s engagement. To cut a long tale short, I couldn’t be happier about my engagement. It is one of those things I never imagined would happen to me, and I also never believed I would meet someone who embraces me the way Terry does. But here I am, and it is one of those things that I never thought would happen to me. Because of this, it is incredibly wonderful that Terry still loves me even though I am pretty crazy.

Despite the issues that my sister battles, many individuals have come out to me and shared with me that she prevented them from harming themselves. My sister is the one who saved the life of one of my dearest friends. She guided a significant number of individuals away from their destructive habits, but she never made her own needs a priority. She spent time with other people but was always looking for a fast fix for herself. In 2018, a fan asked Gloom an intriguing but nasty inquiry about her sexual orientation, which caused Gloom to reflect on her sexuality.

In the past, Gloom hadn’t felt the need to discuss her sexuality since she didn’t find the topic very bothersome. In addition, she saw sexuality as something particular to each individual. She had only been in relationships with males, but she couldn’t deny that she had had feelings of attraction for a few of the females she had encountered in her life. Gloom even said she had physical contact with a few women she had romantic emotions for. During middle school, she was put in touch with a young lady called Ashleigh, who would go on to become her closest confidante.

Ashleigh made the move to Kassie Middle School just about a year before the conclusion of her middle school career. Kassie’s family’s difficulties caused her to experience even greater levels of worry. She decided not to tell anybody else about it since she didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for her or pity her in any way. This mainly consisted of gaming and commentary videos. Still, it also includes skits, vlogs, reactions, parody arts-and-crafts, and cooking videos under her alias “Kartha Gewart,” a satirical version of the celebrity Martha Stewart. All she did was replace the initials of Martha Stewart with “KG,” which references both her real name and her online name, Kassie Gloom.

Gloomykassie Phone Number, Email Address, Contact No Information and More Details

Gloomykassie Addresses:

House Address:

Gloomykassie, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Fanmail Address / Autograph Request Address:


Gloomykassie Contact Phone Number and Contact Details info

  • Gloomykassie Phone Number: +1(581)205-8730
  • Gloomykassie Mobile Contact Number: NA
  • WhatsApp Number of Gloomykassie: NA
  • Personal Phone Number: +1(581)205-8730
  • Gloomykassie Email ID: NA

Social Media Accounts of Content Creator ‘Gloomykassie ’

  • TikTok Account: NA
  • Facebook Account (Facebook Profile): NA
  • Twitter Account:
  • Instagram Account:
  • YouTube Channel:
  • Tumblr Details: NA
  • Official Website: NA
  • Snapchat Profile: NA

Personal Facts and Figures

  • Birthday/Birth Date: December 19, 1990
  • Place of Birth: Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
  • Husband/Boyfriend: NA
  • Children: NA
  • Age: 32 Years old
  • Official TikTok: NA
  • Occupation: Youtuber
  • Height: 1.72 m

Business Facts

  • Salary of Gloomykassie: $11 million
  • Net worth: $11 million
  • Education: Yes
  • Total TikTok Fans/Followers: NA
  • Facebook Fans: NA
  • Twitter Followers: 229.7K Followers
  • Total Instagram Followers: 582K followers
  • Total YouTube Followers: 7.42M subscribers

Gene Hackman Address, Phone Number, Email ID, Website
Email Address NA
Facebook NA
House address (residence address) Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Office Address NA
Office Number NA
Official Website NA
Personal No. NA
Phone Number +1(581)205-8730
Snapchat Id NA
Whatsapp No. NA

Some Important Facts About Gloomykassie:-

  1. Gloomykassie was born on December 19, 1990.
  2. Her Age is 32 years old.
  3. Her birth sign is Sagittarius.

See also: How to Contact FaZe Teeqo: Phone number, Texting, Email Id, Fanmail Address and Contact Details

Deepak Bhagat

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