Josh Groban Phone Number, Bio, Email ID, Address, Fanmail and Contact Details

Josh Groban Mobile Number, Phone Number, Email ID, House Residence Address, Contact Number Information, Biography, Whatsapp, and More possible original information are provided by us here.

Winslow Joshua Groban, commonly called Josh Groban, is the American singer, composer and actor who has credited him with multiple multi-platinum records. Although he is best known for his romantic ballad melodies, he also enjoys to perform Italian, Spanish and French operas and classical tunes. At an early age, Groban was inspired by music, but was not serious until he was seven years old and he had been listening to a school event. Although his teacher was thrilled with his voice and permitted him to play a solo, he was not popular with children who preferred rap. He first studied acting and decided to continue his career only later in music. With his debut album in 2001, Groban, who didn’t want to limit himself to a single musical style, became the best-selling new masculine artist. Actually, his first four solo albums were mega hits and multi-platinum certified. In 2007, he was America’s number one best-selling artist. He has appeared in four films and around 22 TV programmes, including his music career. He is also a member of the American Artists Committee and has created the Find Your Light Foundation for young people to become conscious of arts and culture. He is also a philanthropist.

Josh Groban was born on 27 February 1981, parents Lindy educator and businessman Jack Groban in Los Angeles, California. He shares the same birthday with his younger brother Chris. His father was a Jewish descendant, but after marrying his mother he converted from Judaism to Christianity.He sang a solo performance of “S’wonderful” at a school event at the seventh grade. He was more interested in acting at that time than singing.

When Groban was 17, David Foster, the Grammy winner, found him in 1998. He began working as a rehearsal vocalist for David Foster and participated in important events, such as the 1999 Grammy Awards, where he practised “The Prayer” by Foster. His presentation was loved, and the show presenter Rosie O’Donnell gave him an opportunity to participate on her show. Thus, Groban began to appear in important events and gradually acquired a good supporter.

Josh Groban Phone Number

In 1999 he graduated as a theatrical major from the Los Angeles County High School for Arts. He subsequently went on to study musical theatre at Carnegie Mellon University, but he quit four months later, after being awarded a recording contract. In 2001, Josh Groban recorded ‘For Always’ for the soundtrack from the film ‘A.I.: Artificial Intelligence’ by Steven Spielberg. He received a recording contract at Warner Bros, and on November 20, 2001 his debut studio album, ‘Josh Groban.’ The track ‘Where You are’ on the Billboard Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart was number one and ‘You are still you’ in the same chart was number ten.

At the renowned Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo, Norway, he performed. He also participated in the Salt Lake City Olympics closing ceremony in 2002.

In November 2003, his second studio album ‘Closer’ was released. The other songs were sung in Italian, Spanish and French, while half songs were sung in English.

On the Billboard 200 list, the album opened at position 4 and achieved top spot by January 2004. In Australia, it peaked at 25th place on the Australian ARIA album chart.

Groban’s third studio album ‘Awake’ was published on 7 November 2006 and became the third most popular classical 2000s album in the US. The album songs were performed in English, Italian and Spanish as usual. This time he employed other instruments in addition to the piano.

As a Christmas album, he released his fourth studio album, ‘Noël.’ The album was launched on October 9, 2007 and in 2007 sold 3,699,000 copies, making it the year’s bestselling album in the US. It was also the best-selling vacation record in 2008. By August 2017, 6 million copies had been sold in the United States and RIAA certified 6x platinum.

‘Illuminations’ was his fifth album, published on 15 November 2010. It debuted at No. 4 on Billboard 200 and also on the Canadian Chart of Albums. In the first week of sales of 190,000 units, it was eventually RIAA certified platinum. This album features also songs in several languages, including ‘Você Existe Em Mim’ in Portuguese, which he and Lester Mendez and Carlinhos Brown have co-written.

He released his sixth album “All That Echoes” in 2013. It debuted on the Billboard 200 at number 1 and sold 145,000 copies for the first week. On 28 April 2015, Groban released his 7th studio album, selling 502,000 copies in the US by October 2015.

He has appeared six times in ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’ and several times as a co-host in ‘Live with Kelly.’ He has also been shown

Josh Groban Phone Number, Email Address, Contact No Information and More Details

Josh Groban Addresses:

House Address:

Josh Groban , Los Angeles, California, United States

Fanmail Address:

Josh Groban
William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
9601 Wilshire Blvd.
3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5213

Josh Groban Contact Phone Number and Contact Details info

  • Josh Groban Phone Number:Private
  • Josh Groban Mobile Contact Number: NA
  • WhatsApp Number of Josh Groban : NA
  • Personal Phone Number: Same as Above
  • Josh Groban Email ID:

Social Media Accounts of  Content Creator ‘Josh Groban ’

  • TikTok Account:
  • Facebook Account (Facebook Profile):
  • Twitter Account:
  • Instagram Account:
  • YouTube Channel:
  • Tumblr Details: NA
  • Official Website: NA
  • Snapchat Profile: NA

Personal Facts and Figures

  • Birthday/Birth Date: 27 February 1981 (age 40 years)
  • Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California, United States
  • Wife/GirlFriend:NA
  • Children: NA
  • Age: 40 Years old
  • Official TikTok: NA
  • Occupation: Pop Singer
  • Height:  5’11”
  • Popular Friends: NA

Business Facts

  • Salary of Josh Groban : NA
  • Net worth: NA
  • Education: Yes
  • Total TikTok Fans/Followers: Not Known
  • Facebook Fans: Not Known
  • Twitter Followers: 851.1K Followers
  • Total Instagram Followers:416k followers
  • Total YouTube Followers: 567K subscribers

Josh Groban Address, Phone Number, Email ID, Website
Email AddressNA
House address (residence address)Los Angeles, California, United States
Office AddressNA
Office NumberNA
Official WebsiteNA
Personal No.NA
Phone NumberNA
Snapchat IdNA
Whatsapp No.NA

read also: Ralph Macchio Phone Number, Bio, Email ID, Address, Fanmail and Contact Details

Some Important Facts About Josh Groban :-

  1. Josh Groban was born on 27 February 1981.
  2. His Age is 40 years old.
  3. Birth Sign is Pisces.


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